Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Anticipating a week of Vicodin and yogurt.

Today is January the fifth. Last year, I was spending this day preparing for a relaxing 10-day cruise to the Caribbean. This year, the only thing I have to anticipate in my near future is the removal of my wisdom teeth. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect. I'm a total pussy when it comes to pain, so I'm hoping they'll drug me up nice n' good. It will be my first experience with Vicodin...and I'm extremely curious to see how that will go.

It's too bad that I was too miserable last year to fully enjoy that cruise to the Caribbean (See my last post about my annual January misery). The cruise itself was awesome: I went cave tubing in Belize, hung out on the beach in Mexico, and had a baby monkey crawl on my head in Roatan. But despite all that I still had a sulky air the entire time, due to an incident that had happened the week prior.

Yep, it was a boy incident. With me, it's ALWAYS because of a damn boy. This time, it was a boy I had been friends with for a while- we'll call him Steve. Steve and I had been flirting for the past two years, yet neither of us was willing to admit our feelings to the other. There was all this tension built up that crossing the friendship line would put us in this awkward situation of "what are we now?" I had driven myself crazy the past two years, wondering why Steve wouldn't make a move, especially since it was completely obvious we had feelings for each other. FINALLY, last Christmas Eve he asked me out to dinner. We finally kissed. I was on cloud nine. However, my ecstasy was short lived. A week later at a party, he tried very persistently to get me to have sex with him. Despite my drunken state, I was able to refuse (I had a strict no-sex policy unless I was in a relationship). After that he ignored my calls and three days later he was with a new girl. WHAT THE FUCK, right? I didn't understand why Steve was "using" me if he knew me so well. Have a freakin' one-night stand with some club whore, not with a girl from church that you've known for years.

Thankfully there aren't any situations like that this January. I kind of wish there was some sort of boy situation, but I am grateful for the lack of stress. Now the only thing I have to stress out about is this damn wisdom teeth removal...

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