Monday, January 4, 2010

Pretentious with a side of restless.

I knew it. I knew as soon as January would start, my life would go to shit.

Okay, maybe I'm being melodramatic, but melodrama makes things interesting. Now that I'm rotting away at home doing nothing but watching old Sex and the City episodes on illegal Japanese websites, anything is worth making interesting at whatever cost.

In this case, I decided to delve into my hipster side and create a blog. It's not so much about showing off how intellectual I am (PFFFT.) but more about giving me a chance to WRITE! and THINK! ....but not in that order. The thinking comes naturally, too naturally, as a matter of fact. It seems like the less I have to do, the more I think about. And the more I think, the more I dig myself into an unmotivated depressed hole, hence the life-going-to shit-thing.

Ever been in that situation where you find yourself finally free from your normal 9-5 chaos, only to realize that the chaos was your distraction from some closeted, massive feeling of depression and confusion? It happens to me every time I come home from college. There's no time to be miserable or lost at college, you're too busy writing intense essays and drinking yourself stupid on 50 cent beer night. It's not that those feelings of misery don't exist while you're at school, but rather that there's a large variety of distractions to choose from. I remember feeling particularly awful last March after my best guy friend decided to abandon college (and me) with not so much as a goodbye. Did I wallow in my misery? Yes...for a good 5 minutes. Then my friends from across the hall came in to show me the hilarious new boots that Lisa bought. Which was right before I remembered that I had to finish reading chapter 7 of Wuthering Heights. My ugly feelings were as good as gone.

However, there aren't distractions like that here. I live in a small suburb of New York City where there's nothing to do. I mean, we don't even have sidewalks (what's there to walk to?). And while that's a situation I'm sure many of you share, I'm sure you can also sympathize. Especially if you're a college student like me, whose friends are scattered all over the country and whose wallet is growing cobwebs. Even if my friends only live 20 minutes away, who has the money for gas? And more importantly, who has the motivation? We're all sitting here depressed, unmotivated, getting fat on leftover holiday treats.

The only thing I've been motivated thus far to do is to create this blog. I have this lovely idea that I will gain millions of devoted blog readers, who will hang on every dumb word I say and give my boring life meaning. And of course this will all happen over night!!

I always thought people who blogged were pretentious douchebags. And who knows, maybe that's exactly what I am, and maybe that's why I like bashing hipsters so much. I mean, I refer to myself as THAT short blonde girl. Not "a" short blonde girl, or "some" short blonde girl. No, I am identified....and maybe feelin' a bit precocious.

So in serious need of some sleep, I now melodramatically conclude my first pointless pretentious post, and I hope all you millions of readers have enjoyed it. Au revoir, bon nuit, kiss kiss.

-that short blonde

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