Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things we do, and know we shouldn't.

There are two voicemails on my phone that have been there since last July.
I can't get rid of them.
And its not even like I'm pretending to ignore that they're still there, either. I'm actually listening to them somewhat frequently and pressing the 9 button, "save", keeping them in existance for at least another 21 days.

Why do I do this to myself? And I know I'm not the only one, either. We all know its bad for us, but we keep letting our hearts override our heads...we keep reading those letters over and over, looking at those photos, listening to those voicemails till we have internalized every image and memorized every word.

While I think that it's good to keep pleasant memories close, I think I hold them so tightly to myself that they suffocate my present.

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