Monday, January 18, 2010

Classy poise or classless partying?

I miss beer. I miss local concerts with screechy guitars, dancing dirty with total strangers, eating pizza at 2 am, and drinking coffee on squishy couches...all the joys of college life that being at home has deprived me of.

None of that's glamorous or classy, but its hella fun. That seems to be one of my most pressing personal issues lately, deciding between classy poise or classless partying. Part of me longs to be that mature young lady with the fashionably classic clothing, holding elegant conversation at dinner parties. The other part of me wants to go barefoot, get shitty, protest environmental damage and smoke hookah afterwards.

I guess a lot of people around my age are going through this. We've all been immature teenagers for so many years and now we're in the awkward transition into adulthood. There's such a desire to be taken seriously by adults, but at the same time we want to be totally stupid and silly with our friends. Is there a happy medium?

Honestly, I don't know, but despite my awkward situation I'd say I'm pretty happy. You could call it the best of both worlds. There may be a time when I'll have to grow up for good, but that time isn't now.

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